Sunday, November 29, 2009


We hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! The whole YWAM base here got together and celebrated. We had a blast! Our day started with pumpkin muffins and chai tea(thanks to Collin's Mom:) Around 9 a.m. we started to make our first turkey, which weighed 19 lbs! We had a lot of pressure on us because the turkey we were making wasn't just for us. It was 1 of the 9 turkeys that was going to be eaten by 160 people. So when I say pressure, I mean PRESSURE! By the way does anyone know what giblets are?? Anyone?....we had to figure that one out! So we researched and asked around how to make this wonderful turkey and everyone said something different so we decided to just try what we thought would work. We didn't have a pan large enough for the turkey so we had to squeeze the turkey it in. We learned that to keep the turkey moist you need to gather the juice that drips off the turkey and frequently glaze it over the turkey while it's cooking. Nothing we had was actually small enough to fit between the turkey and the pan, so we thought it would be brillant to use Hannah's medicine syringes (they were clean of course). 4 1/2 hours later our turkey was done and it looked and smelled delicious. Of course we needed to taste the turkey first, just to make sure that it was good enough to be eaten:) It was delicious.

We had a great time of fellowship at the get together. The food was marvelous and we had so much entertainment. It was so neat. We had a time of worship, talking about what we were thankful for, a talent show, and someone shared about the Thanksgiving story. The Thanksgiving story was very informative. There was so many things about the meaning of Thanksgiving that we had forgotten or didn't remember. Also our base is very diverse, with so many different cultures, most of whom didn't grow up celebrating Thanksgiving. We're sure they were excited to hear the story behind the "holiday with lots of good food".

The next day all the guys got together and had a "Turkey Bowl"; a flag football game. Collin's team lost, but he thinks it's because they ate too much the night before;)

We have many memories from this special day. We will never forget making our first turkey! It was defintiely an experience! We are so thankful for our family and freinds in the states! God has blessed us with such supportive and loving friends. We are so grateful! Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

1 comment:

  1. We love the Hannah feeding video. Too cute! We also served Turkey for the first time this yr -22 lbs, thank you very much! It turned out good too. D says giblets are the liver, heart etc, Blak! Doesn't really appeal to me but to each their own.
    Glad to hear you had a fun day. We are counting the days until we see you. Have a great Christmas and we will see you in January.
    Love you all! The Smarts
