Friday, April 2, 2010


We had a great time in the states! Thank you all who gave us money to get there. We really appreciate it. We traveled back and forth from Texas to Oklahoma. We were able to hang out and connect with so many of our friends and family! We are so grateful for that. Hannah loved meeting everybody! She especially liked it when her grandparents would watch her and Mommy and Daddy got to go out! So many things happened while we were in the states. We had the privilege of going to a cabin for a weekend with a couple of our friends. We also got to get away for a weekend by ourselves!! Hannah learned to give a high five and wave bye bye! Her vocabulary also increased while we were there. She started saying uh oh, cat, and CoCo (Uncle Corey). Hannah also learned to imitate her Uncle Nano sneezing which was pretty funny to watch! It also snowed about 12 inches. Hannah loved the snow. One day she stared out the window and watched it all day long. Collin also had the honor of sharing at our home church in Dallas. He loved sharing about the Taiwanese and what God had put on his heart. We were so blessed by our time in states. Thank you all who took the time to come and see us and spend time with us. We enjoyed every moment. We are so blessed to have such amazing friends and family who encourage us and support us. We love you guys!