Hey Everyone,
Sorry it's been such a long time since we last posted. So much has been going on and we've been pretty busy lately. Allison's grandparents came to see us for about two weeks. They arrived at the beginning of October and just left this past week. We had such a blast.
-"Do they have Taiwanese dogs here?"
-"Is that the ice cream truck?" (ask us later)
-"I think Collin is half-Taiwanese."
-"Is Hannah speaking Chinese?"
-"Can we have slumber parties?"
-"How did we end up in the bus lane?"
-"Is this a one way street?" Grandad asked, Collin replied,"Yes both ways"
We were very grateful that they came all the way here to see us and to understand our new life and new home. WE hope to have many more visitors in the future:)
Hannah is growing up so fast, we can't believe it. She loves to laugh and smile....just like her mommy:) She especially loves to talk. Well not really talk, but to her it's talking. Right now she is super-active and her little personality is really coming out. She is so adventurous, diligent, determined, and curious. She is scooting all around the floor and doing more push-ups than daddy, because she wants to crawl so bad. She will lift her self up then "BOOOM!" fall flat on her face. Sometimes she looks like she's doing the "Worm". I'm sure all of you know what the "worm" is. We love her so much. Here's a video of Hannah's new language:
We found a new church. Or should we say, God has given us a church to go to. HE found it we didn't. Today was our 4th week to go and every time we are blown away by what God is doing in this church body. The pastor is a young 31 yr old man from Macau (near Hong Kong) who speaks Chinese, Cantonese, and English. Obviously the church is in Chinese but most of the people there can speak some English. The pastor's wife actually got saved through YWAM'S coffee bar ministry, THE ROCK 10 years ago! We have enjoyed worshiping and fellowshipping with this body of believers. They have asked us to start an English corner in the church. This will specifically target people who are not church members as a tool for evangelism. We started this yesterday. So every week on Saturday afternoons the whole family piles up and drives down to our church and gets to teach English and make friends with students of all different a
We love you all and hope to hear from you soon!
The Seitz